Nutrient Phosphorus in Candlewood Lake
Lake Phosphorus Levels after period of rain (above) and after dry period (below):

Notice: Each pixel is 30 square meters (roughly 100ft x 100ft).
- Candlewood Lake as little phosphorus (P) in the main body after a large rain event.
- P levels are high at the lake borders.
- P levels are high for the Housatonic River feeding Lake Lillinonah even during a high flow wet period.
- Candlewood Lake has high P levels after a prolonged period of no rain.
- With no storm waters in a dry period, water infiltration to Candlewood Lake is dominated by septic effluent.
- P can also be diffusing in to the water from P laden sediment. Which P source dominates?

3-Dimensions Disclosed by Satellite Flyover Data Capture:
1) Nutrient Phosphorus (This page)
2) Chlorophyll a (indicates blue-green algae levels)
3) Phycocyanin (indicates photosynthesis activity)
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