Use Rate Study 2015
A study was commissioned in 2015 to examine the use charges for Brookfield WPCA customers. The rates were and continue to be based on a system of Units as outlined in CT State Statues. But more sophisticated structure seemed to be warranted so a study was commissioned in an attempt to understand the current system and devise a way to re-structure the rate system.
However, it became clear that the only fair way to charge commercial customers is to base the sewer rate on water usage. But only a fraction of the Commercial and Industrial customers in Brookfield are on Town water so it will be a challenge to gather the necessary data.
Interestingly, using town property records, it was possible to study water usage by number of bedrooms for living units on Town water. The study showed a one bedroom unit consumes an average of 93 gallons per day while a two bedroom unit uses an average of 111 gallons per day. The complete 2015 study report is available for viewing and can be downloaded. [Download Link]
Further action is slated for 2019 to take the 500 commercial/industrial amounts and determine what a rate structure might be based on water usage. Any change in rate structure for commercial and residential users is probably a few years away and must be the subject of a public hearing.